Setting up a Simulation

This is the best set up to a simulation I've ever heard:

"In just a moment, we're going to ask you to take part in a simulation. It's going to be unreal. We're doing this so that we can expose the dynamics you face in the real world in the safety of a laboratory. Don't role play. We want you to show up as yourselves. We want you to tell the truth. We want you to be in the moment. We want you to be present.

"But there's one thing you're not allowed to say. I'm going to say it now, to get it out of the way. What you're not allowed to say is, 'This isn't real.'  

"Yes, we realize we're asking you to take on a role with little or no training. Which of course, is nothing like the real world.

"Yes, we're asking you to work with people with whom you have little or no existing relationships. Which of course, is nothing like the real world.

"Yes, we're asking you to join an organization midstream with little or no historical context of the organization. Which of course, is nothing like the real world.

"Yes, we're asking you to be responsible for achieving tasks with little or no understanding of what those tasks actually are. Which of course, is nothing like the real world.

"But the one thing you're not allowed to say is, 'This isn't real.'

"And with that, let's get started."

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