Visual Notetaking recognition

Our visual notetaking class got a mention in the Nysmith Newsletter:

Teachers left for summer last week after a wonderful seminar by one of our parents, Brian Tarallo.  His company, Lizard Brain Solutions, helps companies synthesize complex systems and problems with visual tools.  The Nysmith staff worked on various learning styles and explored ways to engage students in deeper experiences with their subject areas.  It is a pleasure to have so many talented teachers and parents in our community.  And, it is a real joy to be able to concentrate on building the best program possible for these young people who face an increasingly complicated world.  While none of us know exactly what their future holds, we do know that they will need the critical thinking skills to delve deeply into many subjects.  They will need to collaborate, so they need self-awareness and empathy.  They will need to be able to express their ideas in multiple formats, written, spoken, and visual.  These all require confidence and character. 


Kenneth Nysmith

Head of School

The Nysmith School

Brian TaralloComment