Name it

Give your practice a name that's in keeping with your culture and your industry focus. It's part and parcel in this field to chose a name that's fun, funky, and a bit offbeat: Loosetooth, The Grove Consultants, Discovery Doodles, AlphaChimp, Ink Factory, ImageThink, etc.. When I chose "Lizard Brain Solutions," I was referencing the fight or flight response of the limbic system triggered by the visual cortex... not to mention that my wife's name is "Liz" and my name is "Brian," and the company that gave me my start, "SENSA Solutions." When I chose "Visioneering" for OGSystems' graphic facilitation practice, I was blending "visuals," the common language of the new team, with the OGSystems' "engineering" core competency.

To get you thinking, here's a random visualization practice name generator, made up of pieces of all of the company names in the International Forum of Visual Practitioners. Just open it up and hit F9 to make a name. 

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