We design and facilitate highly experiential, highly visual events and meetings. Our services include:

Visual facilitation - meeting and event design and facilitation, focusing on group decision making, strategic planning, future visioning, design thinking, and team building.

Graphic recording - visual note taking. Graphic recording illustrates words and images in real time with markers and big paper or digitally to be projected on a screen or streamed over a virtual meeting platform.

Virtual facilitation - virtual meeting design and facilitation.

Training - instruction in design thinking, visual facilitation, graphic recording, and traditional facilitation

and more! Scroll down for a complete list of our services.

Brian Tarallo graphic recording a strategic planning meeting.jpg

Our Services

Our Clients Include…

Surviving the horror of online meetings

It’s time to take the dread out of virtual meetings. Meet your survival guide for the online world.

By learning a few simple techniques, your meetings can be engaging, energetic, effective, and even fun!

You’ll learn:

• The new etiquette of online meetings
• Tips to prevent and overcome technology failures
• How to head off distraction and disengagement
• How to show up as your best self
• How to create an experience of trust, safety, engagement, and inclusion